Today, you can’t just say you’re a non-profit and start collecting money for your cause. At least, not without risking legal and tax complications. To obtain non-profit status and allow your donors to write-off their contributions to you, you must attain and keep a 501(c)3 designation from both the State and Federal Governments.
And, as you have probably seen on the news in recent years, this isn’t as simple as asking. You’ll have a myriad of forms to fill out, and they must be correct. You’ll also have to write by-laws, policies, and procedures for the organization. In some cases, you’ll be asked for even more documentation. We help by guiding individuals through the steps and advising them on how to write the attendant documents.
We also advise new non-profits in how to set up systems for operation in order to keep volunteers happy and productive; how to appeal to individuals in the community for support while also attracting corporate donors; and how to keep records that will satisfy the government and support future grant-writing efforts. Perhaps more importantly, we teach them how to become self-sustaining, so that more of their time can be spent on achieving their charitable goals and less on fundraising.