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IN HIS STEPS is a Christian based Drug and Alcohol abstinence program that offers men and women with life controlling problems a supportive and nurturing environment. As a non-profit organization IHS offers both residential and non-residential services.
In His Steps opened in 1995. Currently there are 2 men’s homes and 2 women’s homes holding up to 50 residents.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to help individuals move from a life-style of dysfunctional misbehavior to one in which he may carry his own weight, become an active participant in our community, and most importantly, aid in the return to the life that God intended him to live.

Our aim is to introduce people to Jesus Christ and give them an opportunity to accept Him as their Lord and Savior. Their lives can only be changed through the power of the Holy Spirit and God’s infallible word. Our intention is to give them an opportunity to be delivered from the bondage of Satan, and to be healed by Jesus Christ. He is the only one who can put lives back together, thus enabling them to walk in the steps of our precious Lord.(.God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.) 2Tim2:25-26.

Acceptance to the In His Steps home is based on each person’s willingness to accept the responsibility for their own desire to follow Jesus. Those who can pay the cost of their stay will be expected to do so. Those with financial difficulty are not turned away, but are expected to seek employment and begin contributing toward their expenses after a 30 day period.

Our desire for In His Steps is that it will be an effective agent in the rescue of lost souls, in the strengthening of new believers in their walk with Jesus and in the provision of their physical and spiritual needs.

Our desire for the In His Steps ministry is that it will always be a witness to the community of Ramona and beyond of the life changing power that comes from a complete surrender of ones life to Jesus Christ.

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1619 La Brea St
Ramona , CA 92065
Phone: 760-788-4716